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Ear Infections

Does your child have an ear infection? Ear infections often start with a cold, virus, or other illness. This may lead to redness, swelling, and fluid in your child’s middle ear. Ear infections are usually painful and may cause fever. If you think your child may have an ear infection please call your doctor.

Pain relievers should be given as soon as you are are of your child’s ear infection, especially before bedtime, as lying down can cause increased pain. Usually after 24 hours, more than half of children feel better, and almost all within a few days.

***Tips to help your child avoid ear infections
1. Protect your child from colds and flu viruses. Encourage frequent handwashing and keep them away from others who are sick
2. Do not let your child drink from a bottle or cup while laying down. This lets fluid and germs flow into the middle ear.
3. Stay up to date on immunizations. Infant pneumococcal and meningitis vaccines help lower the risk of ear infections, as well as an annual flu vaccine.
4. Keep your child away from cigarette smoke. The fumes and dust can increase a child’s risk of fluid build up.

Check out the handout below for more information on ear infections.

****Information provided by McNeil-PPC, Inc. 2013

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