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Blog Articles

Welcome Dr. Daniel Bennett

Welcome Dr. Bennett! Dr. Robert Daniel Bennett is a Board Certified Family Physician from Adel, Georgia.
Aug 5th, 2016

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a condition that effects 1 in every 3 adults. “Blood pressure is the force of blood against your artery walls as it circulates through your body.”
May 1st, 2014

Infant Crying and Gas

What you need to know about infant crying and gas. Check out these tips for soothing your baby.
Apr 25th, 2014

Ear Infections

Does your child have an ear infection? Ear infections often start with a cold, virus, or other illness. This may lead to redness, swelling, and fluid in your child’s middle ear. Ear infections are usually painful and may cause fever.
Apr 23rd, 2014

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a cancer that forms in tissues of the cervix. It is usually a slow-growing cancer that may not have symptoms but can be found with regular Pap tests ...
Jan 9th, 2014

Flu Symptoms

Do you know what flu symptoms look like?
Dec 16th, 2013

Flu Vaccine

Influenza (“flu”) is a contagious disease that spreads around the United States every winter, usually between October and May.
Dec 13th, 2013

Dealing With Winter Allergies

It’s January and you would think that allergies are gone but with the warmer weather that is just not the case. Seasonal allergies are staying around longer causing people to think they have a sinus infection.
Jan 16th, 2013